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A member registered 18 days ago

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Nah I think the Majority of this Community wouldn't- (maybe)

Honestly the Scene where you bring Kana's kid with her to see Kana in a Coma just made me sad as hell-

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Arc.. don't you dare-

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Welp hopefully that's the case.. Also I am hoping that if Lyx fights in the War she is just in a Mech Suit (Obviously not Gundam Size-)

I'm starting to think that the MC Is connected to Morgana in more ways then one.. Maybe she's connected to the MC Spiritually and is the reason why we can't get in The Nexus? (Also I am hopin' that the Characters in the Nexus like Asteria and the others aren't dead or somethin'... I mean you wouldn't do that right Arc?) 

I got flashbanged by it-

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Also I'm honestly hoping that if we ever fight a Human form of the Eldritch (Maybe a Clone of the MC) it's gonna act Sadistic to Another Level to make the Final attack amazingly Satisfying-

So kind of like Yuji Itadori's Divergent Fist?

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My only Question is that: Will the MC Have other Abilities? Like relating to how their Arms turned Black due to the Eldritch?
(I think it was because of the Eldritch.. Idk tho since I haven't seen that part of the Story in a while)
