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A member registered Jul 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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yeah building with different resolutions is awful, I'll see if I can get further now

I may have played a bit too much. Very fun and very chaotic game with great, if complex moving controls.

what starts out as a simple game of shooting bloons with cows, you soon realise the deep and complex intricacies of the game, you can go to a wall and hold down space to do orbital attacks, you can shoot the walls and other cows to ricochet kills, you can spawn in cows into the floor to launch them at high speeds, the possibilities are endless.

I stopped after wave 100 but there is something simply addicting about its simplicity.

Good game, Mechanics work, however the jump sound gets very annoying very quickly. Also I may just suck but level 9 seems impossible, did you misplace a jump pad with a speed pad? All in all a fun game.

same! GL