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Toby Leiserowitz

A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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the visuals for this are really good, and I like how the different options change as you go like how they are burning hot if you pet them after doing some other options. I wasn't sure what tone it was going for at first but after I chose to draw and they drew a pentagram I thought that was funny. Overall really impressive and it feels very polished with the effects and animations and everything.

I liked the idea of this, I was a little confused about the formatting for some of it, like what does (?) at the beginning of some of the text mean? I would also have liked to see some kind of background or art to make it seem like I was in a different world? Overall though it's a cool idea

The first time I released the computer pretty quick because I wanted to see what would happen, but I replayed to see what happens if you don't and I liked getting to learn more about the person stuck in there. I was a little confused about why they were talking like that if they were actually a person the whole time, but I did think it was very funny how this is some like cool creepy missing persons story and then its just like yeah im stuck in dumbass dolphin building

I liked how many choices you gave the player, I felt like I was getting to explore it the way I wanted, and I thought it was a cool choice to not have the guy kill you immediately after seeing you. I feel like a lot of stories would just have had him kill you right away, but it's definitely more interesting to see that he seems to be just as scared as you, and it leaves the story open to more interpretation.

I really liked how positive this game was, I kept thinking that it was going to switch and turn sad or dark or something but it never did. Every time I was in a new place and I could explore the area I kept thinking I was looking for something or there was something I needed, but each time I was pleasantly surprised that it was just to learn a little bit more about each character. I thought the amount of choices and interaction was just enough to keep me engaged.

I really enjoyed how creepy this was! I got the ending Pure White, which seems like a pretty bad ending. I appreciate how you made the background black, and I thought the images did a really good job of adding to the narrative. I'm still not entirely sure what lighting the candles was doing, but trying to guess what the shadow wanted me to say was very fun! There were a couple small grammar issues but overall it was really good!

I really liked how well you captured the vibe of just kind of going through the motions of life without really being present. I thought the dreams were very interesting and I want to know more about what was going on at the Temple. I do wish I had more agency as the player? There weren't really many choices that I felt like I could make, and the ending was a little sudden, but I also loved the cat alley part and thought the old lady customer was pretty funny.

It was about a little boy who was going to school, and didn't want to make any friends, so instead he makes friends with birds. I got the ending where a bird comes and pecks at the cookie. Even though it's unfinished, I didn't really have any issues that stopped me from playing, although I was confused at the choice that was just AHHH lol

You play as a cashier working at a store in the middle of nowhere, when a priest who is covered in blood comes in.  The ending I got was the one where he just leaves and I go back to looking at my phone. I didn't have any issues that stopped my playthrough, but I did really like the images.  I especially thought the image of the priest's face showed how creepy he was. I went back to try different endings, and got him to talk about what had happened a little bit, and I really liked the direction it was going in when he was saying he talked to God and ignored him, but he didn't elaborate further. I think it would be fun if it was a little longer!

You play as a store owner during an outbreak of monsters. I got the ending where a customer kills me over some Jimmy jurrasic's  doomsday dino dunkers. My favorite part was when it said "there's some trash on the floor" and in the picture there is like hundreds of cans on the ground, and also when I found that fish. There weren't any technical issues, but I did find it a little concerning that I kept finding the fish when I was just trying to go to bed. I thought the pictures were good and definitely helped the experience. I was also impressed by the length of the game.

I played as a high schooler going about my daily routine, when I get transported to a sandwich dimension.  I got the ending where a flaming meteor hits the building in front of me, and another ending where I don't whisper to the sandwich and just go to bed early. I didn't really have any issues. I liked the images, the cloud city looked pretty cool before it was violently destroyed lol. I know it's unfinished, but I hope to see more of the cloud city and have some more choices that give me more agency as a player.

I play as an unknown person who is stranded in the ocean, and then washes ashore and finds a town. I got the ending where I end up alone. I didn't have any technical issues that stopped me from playing, but I did notice that in the beginning the title is barely visible over the background. I liked the imagery, but they were very blurry and vague so I only kind of got a sense of what was going on. I thought the story was also kind of confusing, as I couldn't tell if it was real or a dream, or why anything was happening. I think just adding more detail and explaining some of the things that are happening a little more would help.

I play as a little girl writing a diary, set in the future where climate change has melted the permafrost, exposing the world to diseases. The ending I got was a drawing of a bake sale. I didn't have any issues that stopped me from playing, but there was one image of I assume a polar bear that didn't load, and the viewport window was very small. I liked the drawing, and thought they added to the diary feel, but I feel like the blue digital pen felt a little strange, it might be nice to have it look like it was actually drawn in a diary. I enjoyed the little bits of world building I got, but at first I was confused about whether the diseases were for people or crops.

I'm a robot talking to a girl about her life and what happened in the Cataclysm. I got the ending where I saw a video of a bunch of ruins and then I shut myself off. There was moment where an image didn't show up right after VAL said "Layla, I need you to look through the files. There should be some videos from around Palladium." I liked the artwork a lot, it helped build the world and I liked the artstyle. I did find it a little confusing at first who I was, and then even once I figured out I was VAL I ended up being pretty lost figuring out where I was, or where the girl was, or how we were talking. I did like however that it's a text game where you play as the computer, as opposed to talking to the computer.

I'm on a date with some weird butcher person,  and in the ending I got turned into a pet I assume (It wouldn't let me actually agree or disagree). I didn't have any technical issues, and I thought the pacing was good. I liked the music, and thought it was good for the atmosphere. I liked how in the end instead of eating me or being a vampire or something they just started shining light? which was kind of funny. 

You play as a new worker at some boring company, and you have a really weird and creepy boss.  At some point the boss kidnaps you and takes you to the woods at which point you die (or at least I did). In the ending I got I figured out where I was in the forest, and then I chose to scream instead of escaping. I was surprised by the scream sound that played, but basically I just died. I didn't have any issues with the game, aside from there was a couple prompts that said Thankyou with no space. I thought the sounds were pretty good to set the atmosphere, but the scream at the end was very jarring and it went on for too long I think. I thought the weird picture of the smile was funny though.

I'm a very tiny dude who is in a normal sized house with normal sized people in it. As I try to explore and escape I get spotted by the people and brutally crushed to death. I didn't encounter any issues playing, although when the game says to RESTART it would make more sense to have a #CLEAR screen tag I think? The background and sound effects were great, and the visuals definitely made me feel like I was really small. I got a couple endings, in one I resisted temptation and escaped, in another I got crushed to death. I liked the part when the people saw me and I had to run and it put the option 3 times.

I played as a computer technician on a ship of some kind, where there is a medical computer that has killed some people, and I'm trying to shut it off. In the end, I chose to shut off the machine. I didn't have any technical issues or anything unclear, and I thought the sound made a nice atmosphere. I thought at the beginning when it was reading off all of my data that was kind of creepy, which is the main reason why I shut it down, because it seemed creepy. I actually feel like after I went back and asked it what the mistake was and found out that those members were being lazy, I had a little more sympathy for the computer, because clearly it hadn't been coded right, but it still needed to be shut down. I also kind of wish I knew what happened next, or a little more context about where the ship is or what the people there are doing.

its cool that you got the repeating text at the end working, i think it made the last scene work really well. I also like the story being told through the paintings. I think it would be interesting if there were more to do in the rest of the museum, maybe if you could look at the other paintings in more detail instead of just directing you straight to the main ones?

I like how many paths there are in this game, there is a lot of content. I had to try a bunch of times to get very far because there are a lot of endings along the way, so maybe if you could add like a "go back to previous choice" on some of the earlier endings it would be smoother than having to start from the very beginning? I never found Jerry :( but i liked all the names of things and i like the intro you added

i tried a couple times and liked the endings i got, I liked how you set up the collecting herbs to make the potion, and the different places you can go

I played it a bunch of times, and i liked all the different endings you can get. i also liked how random some of the encounters were

I liked the story a lot! i liked how you introduced the surroundings by having the player look around the room, and i liked how you can interact with the other people around the queen. It took a couple tries but i got the ending where I get exiled, and i didn't encounter any issues with the ink. I think i might have liked to get a little more backstory about what my crime was, but otherwise it was great!