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A member registered Oct 27, 2021

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That is true, but this game sadly isnt basic, it has very unclear objectives and having to replay some sections for other endings is not fun at all due to a lack of a dialogue skip feature. A basic version of tetris is fun as long as the blocks dont glitch out randomly or you have to wait for each block to drop down by itself without beeing able to drop it down quickly.

Their first two games mightve been groundbreaking but this one is very meh imo, they just do not hold up to todays standards. imagine the creator of tetris makes a tetris two thats kinda meh, yes its cool to see, but it doesnt make a good game

Im not sure what triggers the shift ending

ive not been at the maze yet, is it on the top right?

When doing the bar minigame, the game crashes if the shift ends while im in a sexscene with those weird bubble thingies

It would be great to get a map in a future update, its hard to find around the area atm, another suggestion i would have is some form of quick traveling between checkpoints.

Also, is the mouth trader not in the game yet or where can I find them?