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A member registered Oct 20, 2018

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I was so happy when I saw that there is a release estimate to summer/autumn this year <3 looking forward to it! Thank you for the hard work.

yayyyyy I am so happy! Thank you guys for the hard work! :D Happy Easter and be safe =]

o/ good luck with the personal stuff 

I'll definitely keep track cuz it is an amazing game that I don't wanna miss haha thanks for the reply even though you are busy over there XD

Hey there, how is the development going? :) I am sooo anxious for this game release <3 hope all is well! 

haha  don't worry, thanks for the reply ^^ I must say the accident was a plot twist to me.. I really wasn't expecting it (and I've seen a fair share of animes, movies and all). The art is lovely and I really liked the characters! Congrats for the whole project and I will be looking forward for the  sneek-peaks *-* and for the full game too haha 

haha no problem XD I was just wondering if I might be doing something wrong haha waaa you sure its ok to add me into de backerkit? I would love it <3 I am super excited to play the full VN! keep up the amazing work ^^

I went to the kickstarter to try to back this amazing project and even registered there but I see no "Back this project" button O.o am I doing something wrong or there was a time limit and I missed it? Anyway, if I can contribute before let me know and if I can't I will be looking forward to buy the game when it releases it! The art, story, characters are amazing, congrats! Thank you for making this really well thought and executed visual novel! <3

I really liked the demo and I am looking forward to the release :) the only sad part is that I can't romance Melody at all...  =/ It would've been my preferred route haha well, keep up the great work! Will be waiting for the release of the full version to buy.