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Kade Crew

A member registered 81 days ago · View creator page →

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Sorry, we have learned about this bug in the past, you need to update to the latest build of the game and it should be fixed!

-CNH Dev Team.

Lemme just make a general devlog to warn everyone.

Thanks a lot! I we weren't sure if there was maybe a missplacement of an object, but I assume it's just the stress of it all ^w^°

Good luck and thanks for playing!

-CNH Dev Team.

Her username on YouTube is Cammie or CTF64! Hope that helps!

Wow, thanks a lot! We didn't expect a video so early!

Thanks a lot! The whole team is happy to see that players like you are enjoying our work ^w^.

Also, there should be a video of gameplay up soon on Cammie's channel at some point! So if you'd want, you could check it out!

Thanks! I'd advice you to check again in a few days or so for another update!

Hey! No problem! You are welcome, I did know about that, I'm looking around for the latest leaked build to get the graphics from there. 

- Cammie.

Thank you so much for your feedback! We are really sorry for the minimal content, we've been doing our bests, but good things take time!

There should be another update some time soon, We've got some things figured out, graphics are slowly being made and Lead Dev. Cammie, also in charge of the OST, has been going haywire on making music, so expect another update in about 2-3 weeks.

We'd love to hear if you found any bugs or things that seem wrong! :P

Sincerely, the Kade Crew Dev. Team.