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A member registered Jun 01, 2021

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Type ctrl + shift + c, type in testingcheats on/true, shift + left click on the sim you want to be polyamorous. in the bottom left or right of the pie menu, click "Sim Info" and "Add Trait" scroll until you see "Polyamorous" and click on that. "Adulterer" Has the same affect.

(2 edits)

Kwami Species: Frog

Kwami name: Keroppi

Kwami's favorite food(s): Bugs and meat

Miraculous: Lip Ring

To transformation: Keroppi, let's hop!

To de-Transformation: Back to the bog.

Weapon: Basically Ladybug's yoyo but a "tongue" belt

Powers: Can poison (paralyze) people with throwing darts (5 darts per transformation)

To activate power: Poison darts!

Current owner's name: Dappy/Dap, short for Dappylil (which is lily pad backwards)

Hero Name: Gidget

IK its not my fault but i feel like i need to apologize for those 2 year olds arguing about a rickroll...

I cant get past the first one... I put in the right password and it said "Welcome" but when i tried to talk to the boss i could say anything but questions for the password.