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A member registered Mar 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think the concept of growth is very prominent in this piece you've created here. Building connections and losses are definitely huge aspects that this game does a good job at showing.

Had a very interesting time playing the Informed version of this game, especially with the turn counter. It sort of made me realize each turn mattered. Funny thing I mention that because just as I am trying to play it strategically, I end up going to bed. Welp that was a surprise. Loving the humor you've put into each of your games.

VERY well construction of your whole game. Each area was very well designed and did a whole lot in terms of environmental story telling. 

Very interesting gameplay here, and I believe although it doesn't have much dialogue. the switch up in scene and colors make for a very interesting story. I believe there are multiple ways of interpreting this given the minimal text, however, I believe that also makes this game very unique and mysterious. I am curious to see what the actual story is behind this, but I do have my own ideas as to what may have occurred.

I see a lot of potential in this game and would definitely like to check up on it if you do decide to do an update on it. I can almost see this as a character design session, except it's not a character. Love it!

Really reminds me of Disney's Inside Out, with how you sort of portray each side of you. Sounds add a lot to the game and the humor brings it all together. 

The tone and mood of the game is immediately present with your itch page as well as the game's interface, text, font, color, and audio effects. Usage of red at the end is really apparent and really shows that something has GONE WRONG.

Definitely remember my extraordinary eating habits. The 7 slices of pizza is no exaggeration.

After playing the game and reading the description, I can 100% relate to how you are feeling. Makes playing this game very reflective, nicely done!

Game's narrator seems to be the only one speaking, but that game really does succeed at making the player think, as you've intended. 

Animation works coincidingly with your game, adding both dynamics and aesthetics to the whole experience.

Definitely a game that you can get a chuckle out of. Windows ftw am I right.

Selection interface is nicely done. Animations also add a lot to the game.

The pacing of this game is very nicely done. I wonder if it was done with a mixture of colliders and timers. The ending scene was also very nicely done and visually appealing.

The different choices the player has definitely does make outmaneuvering zombies interesting, and adds to how each choice that you take matters. While in the apartment room, I definitely was doing the best I could to search for weapons to help me survive.

The leaderboard really is a neat implementation and does allow for a very interactive game in terms of player vs player. It may just be a solo game, but it does allow for a good group play session.

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I feel as if each time you play, you learn something more and more about the place in which you are exploring, which is a good touch to the game. The randomness when searching also makes the interactive aspect of searching in a text based game that much more interesting and imaginative. Very nice interface as well.

The first few times I played, I received the bubblegum I wanted, but after a few gameplays, I was met with something that made the game quite fascinating. There was a playthrough where I missed the correct colored bubblegum at least 10 time! The randomness really builds a certain type of experience for each playthrough.

I was driven by the 5 endings that was revealed after you reached an ending. I wonder if by showing this you push the player to continue playing for each ending.

This game really makes me question life. I wonder why it is that we as "god" have to kill. Maybe this game digs at a deeper idea of life and how it is god who has to make these hard decisions. 

The sounds add a lot in terms of making the player more tense. I wonder how much the mood would change if you'd still feel like you are on a timer if there was no sounds.

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Good implementation of the restart in this small experience, especially because it has multiple endings. It lets you get back into the game quickly and continue another run.

Love the expressive changes to the character's face whenever a certain answer is given. I feel like it allows you to understand her, even if just a little.

The game has a very RPG aesthetic, but using only words. The background and sounds add so much more in terms of immersion to the game. I wonder if the encounters are random or if there are a set amount of encounters.