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A member registered Apr 03, 2023

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This game was a wild ride. first escape I convinced her that it was a good idea that we leave together and adventure into the world of an apocalypse that never happened.. yet? then a mixture of escapes that seemed like she was willingly letting me go, usually with a promise of returning, but would often start trying to murderize me once i reached the threshold of the stairwell, not sure if that was by design or not. followed by a lot of yandere freakouts after some attempts at relatively invasive questioning. my favorite experience was when I asked her "how many legs do i have" to which she replied "obviously you have 2 legs" at which point I informed her that i only have one leg and she responded with something like "i'm sorry I didn't notice that, i'm sorry you're dealing with that struggle" so i tried to convince her to carry me to the hospital so i could get my prosthetic leg. well, as we were leaving, she killed me in the stairwell again. so my next attempt began the first thing i did was call her out for killing a man attempting to go to the hospital for his prosthetic leg. she replied something to the effect of "it was only one time and i would never hurt you" which I then followed up with something that immediately turned her into a liar. so just know guys whenever you look at that "fun cat pattern" on the bottom of her shirt, it's the blood of a one legged man.

now enough story telling. Devs i give you guys my props. admittedly i don't know squat about game design or anything, but i imagine making a game that integrates CHATGPT the way you have done with this is a real struggle. but you guys are really onto something with this. from my experience this seems like a game birthing a new game model/concept/genre entirely unless there's other stuff like this i've simply missed. whether it's this game or another i hope this concept stays alive. good job.