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A member registered Feb 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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I finally got it working. So on microsoft edge, the download doesn't work. But when I switched to google chrome, it downloaded properly and I was able to load it up

My driver is updated and nothing is blocking it. When I try double clicking on the file, nothing happens

Hello, my driver supports Vulkan, but my game still doesn't start up

No problem. Would love to play the full version when it releases

(1 edit)

I just finished playing this game on stream for Tiktok and I must say I really enjoyed it overall. It reminded me of the style of P.T on how you uncover more things the deeper you go. The graphics look amazing as well, and the scares were good. I did run into some glitches where when I tried walking forward with 2 of the limbs, they would disappear when I would try to go into the room forward to put on the torso, but noticed when I go backwards, it worked and it didn't disappear. Not sure if that was how it was meant to be. I will be promoting this game for sure with some of my clips online for the next few days, and I can't wait to play the full version.