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A member registered Mar 28, 2020

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(2 edits)

Hi, found a few bugs.

I found on loading into the scene that i had to click my screen to move the player camera, i know this is an easy fix.

When clicking in my main player camera went upside down, i have no idea how that happened. 

Just a little feedback too, the bird sound effects are really good. But i feel like they would sound better if they dynamic in the scene than played by 2D. When going on rides it felt a little unrealistic to hear birds chirping.

Also i'm not sure if you're using actual endered scenes on the loading screens, if so it has a huge impact of performance when loading in. My advice would be to record the camera like how they change already, but play it as video in engine. You'll still have the same result, just saves on performance, and for the people who have lower end rigs.

Great, job, great demo!