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A member registered Aug 05, 2023

Recent community posts

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How do you gain AP? 

Go to the boy's rooms in the evening

I have the version 0.16.0 what do you do after you check Elsa's temperature? 

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Can somebody tell me what new updates is on 0.16.0

Hey remo_wind. Since the continuation of arc 2 will on my birthday aka feb 4 can y'all give me advice on what should I do on my bday?

It says here a more recent update is out but isn't 0.15.3 the latest?? I already have 0.15.3

How do you get mirror man's tasks??? (I already completed the posters and mikasa's already nude all I need is mirror man's tasks how????)

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How do you talk to Christa??? 

I tried but it won't work

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When I try to play arc 2 it won't let me go anywhere other than the camp 🥲

How do you advance christa's branch?


Where's the stream room??

How do you get mirror man's missions? /hints?