the sense of setting you are able to get with minimal 1bit is really masterful. very impressive.
Recent community posts
bloom has an atmosphere that is simply unmatched on the playdate, and whether or not you agree with the characters choices, the game does a great job at telling the story. so people complaining about the price, ive spent easily over 9hrs in this game and iwll still pick it up from time to time just to be back in the setting... so $10? Heck yeah! this game is a gem! cant wait to get more from the dev!
really really loving this game, have had some few crashes but still such a polished experience. the soundtrack never leaves my head I would love to be able to stream it. Also, maybe im missing an item... but for the spirit orb collection level. I have 8 available spots but have to collect 9 orbs, and when i was trying the run i got a freeze, so i wasnt able to question the run furtherr. am i missing something?
great game!