Great game, not every horror game has a happy ending. I was hoping for more hauntings from the ghost :)
Recent community posts
I had fun, I don't think I played the first one. Brutal deaths, reminded a little of Halloween. I liked the audio warning of when he was close, and many close calls I had with him. hiding in the shadows watching him walk by me was really intense. I liked the chase music too :). Looking forward to your next game
I like this kind of anomaly game with the added creepiness of the dolls. Looking forward to this release in a little over a week. These are the best kinds of anomaly games when you can view them better angle then from a camera feed. I got to see a clown anomaly when I first recorded but it wasn't recording right so I started over. I got another cool one with the doll teleporting behind the doll generator. I am excited to see all the doll effects you have waiting for us. The game ran well and I didn't have any trouble with any part of the game.