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A member registered Jan 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you !

Thank you :)

Hey, thanks for the nice comment it is really appreciated. 

I wanted to do all of the above and more, but unfortunately Pico 8 has harsh limitations with file size. I am going through and refactoring my code so I can squeeze more in. I would like the ability to just place flowers down, like in the opening scene.

I will be moving on from Pico soon, so might come back to this and see how it can be expanded.

Many thanks again!

Thank you ! 

Thank you very much for the kind works :)

That really means a lot to me thank you very much!

If I ever make it big you'll be in every credit.

I remember being about 4 and playing the original Theme Park game on our PC. I had no Idea what was going on and would lose to an "Arm wrestle". I have since gone back and realised I was probably just getting into a ton of debt (:

Ah! I thought I had ironed those out.. thanks for letting me know I will try to fix ASAP.

Thank you for the comment, I really appreciate it :)

Thanks for the comment, really appreciated! I know what you mean, The logic in the code means that a building can only be placed if a path exists below the whole ride. I think this should be updated or at least made more clear.

Thanks again!

Thank you very much :) I was really happy with the music even though it is super super simple.

That is awesome. Level 20 took me quite a while to get right. Had to test it probably about 10 times but could never remember the solution haha. Thank you very much for the comment, I really appreciate it :)

Stunning, thank you for this.

(1 edit)

Many thanks again for letting me know, I have added and update to fix that screen for the future. :)

To calculate the Y coordinate of the level select screen to turn the box green I was using:

Round_down(level_number / 6) 

That only works for the numbers 1-10. The correct equation is:


Many thanks again, really appreciate the feedback!

Thank you very much for bringing this up. I will look into it ASAP!

I got a score of 1600 :) is it possible to get to the planet?

Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it. I understand where you are coming from, I originally did have a plan to show you when you are influencing the audience, but the game had quite a large scope so did not have time to add this in. Thanks for playing

Ah, I think I did see that screen briefly. Good to know I got to the end

I got a score of 110, it gets hard! Neat idea

I got a score of 270 on hard. I really liked the buying mechanic. The art and music was neat too

Really neat idea. With some polish I think it could be really good. I got stuck on the electric level.

Thanks for the feedback, looking back I can really see where you are coming from. I will make an effort for my next entry to have more character be more exciting and fun. Thanks again!

Thanks for playing word squid! My high score is 160, let me know if anyone can beat it.

Thanks for the feedback