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A member registered 46 days ago

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Hey Danial, appreciate the reply. Leaderboard is working great right now. To work around the GetPersonalEntry issue I was having, I just decided to switch to storing the player username and score  locally (PlayerPrefs) instead of calling GetPersonalEntry. I am still using the Leaderboard but just focused on the UploadNewEntry and GetLeaderboard services. They are working great. I'll update to newer version soon. If I get lucky enough to exceed the free limit, I'll definitely sign up for the paid advanced leaderboard. Thanks, Jeb

Hi Broi, I was having an issue with GetPersonalEntry so I've stopped using it. Not sure what it would call if you haven't uploaded anything. Probably a null value or an error. I'd say just call it and see. You can always delete your test entry from the leaderboard and check. You might have to clear PlayerPrefs too but not sure on that. If you have an entry uploaded, for each Entry returned on looping through, you can call the function called IsMine() to see if it is your entry. I think a GUID is assigned on the server side and then Daniel persists this locally using PlayerPrefs, but I'm not 100% sure on that. You can see this in one of the scripts. 

PlayerPrefs.SetString(GUID_KEY, guid);

I can't answer what all the error messages would be and it might depend on which methods you are using. I check if the server is reachable, if a post for a new score was successful (return code of 201 or 202 maybe - not sure which), and for an error message containing the word profane (return code 403 is what is returned) so I can tell the player they can't use a username with a bad word in it). But, in looking through Daniel's client side code, the StatusCode.cs file contains a bunch of return codes and you might be able to check for these. I would verify with Daniel though. You could also test some of them like a 401 maybe is a bad public key (maybe), 204 might be a submission with a required param like username missing. Here are the codes that I saw, but I have no idea which ones are returned for which methods/functions. Hope this helps some.

public enum StatusCode
  FailedToConnect = 0,
  Ok = 200,
  Created = 201,
  Accepted = 202,
  NoContent = 204,
  BadRequest = 400,
  Unauthorized = 401,
  Forbidden = 403,
  NotFound = 404,
  Conflict = 409,
  TooManyRequests = 429,
  InternalServerError = 500,
  NotImplemented = 501,
  ServiceUnavailable = 503

Hi Broi, in case you're still looking for some help, just thought I'd share some code that might help you with error checking although it is very basic but might help you with how to use the callbacks that Daniel provided for return status and content. See below screenshot. Doesn't paste well with formatting. Happy to paste something you can copy-n-paste if this helps but might not be clean to look at.

Hi Daniel, I submitted a question to you earlier today regarding the sorting. I feel that the sorting is working in descending order right now as long as I don't change the setting which has some intermittent issue where it doesn't actually refresh (reverse) the sorting. I have another question for you related to the GetPersonalEntry call. Right now, a player can submit their score after creating a username the first time. Subsequent personal best scores are also submitted. I call GetPersonalEntry to retrieve their Username and Score. This seems to work for awhile and at some point the Username is returned as Unknown although the user has been submitting scores. How is the user and device tracked and any idea why their info is no longer being pulled back? I checked in the leaderboard-creator management UI and their info is still listed there. It seems like it is being cached for some amount of time and then no longer correlated to their device and the public key. Any help very much appreciated.

(1 edit)

Hi Daniel, I have been testing with the free version of leaderboard-creator for a couple months. Super easy to use and thank you for providing this service. I just released my app called Rocket Ripper on the Apple app store this morning and noticed that the sorting isn't working the way it did a few weeks ago when last tested. I can click to sort ascending or descending and it only sorts score by ascending now. It is causing my rankings to be reversed since I was letting leaderboard-creator handle it. Is this something that you could look at? Thanks in advance!

Update: More testing and I first thought the data I was populating in the extra field was causing the sorting to not work correctly. I removed the extra info and there still seems to be some issue. I can have the the sorting set to descending (box not checked on itch manage UI) and it might be sorting one way. If I click the edit button on a row (not change anything) and then the check box to save/confirm, the records refresh and the sorting may change.