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A member registered Jun 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you guys for the update! It's nice to know that y'all are still there. I just saw The Rings of Power and Durin is so darn cute, I'm starving for some dwarven romance.

Another long ass essay about the gay dwarves game! It's Christmas! I was really hoping that y'all would share the results, and looking at the responses I'm glad that I agree with the majority on most things. Team defined character design! And Team Domestic/Work CGs! (If we unite were are the majority, this is the battle of our lifetime).

I was also really hoping for a complete spell book as the few spells that we got so far were really fun, so I'm hyped for the next build.

I hope y'all are doing OK, don't take criticisms about the art or the long waits too seriously. Much love! Horgath supremacy!

(1 edit)

This was a super interesting read, I never thought about the difficulties of designing characters for other people. The new designs are absolute fire, especially Arondal's.

First game where I want to date everyone, I love the story so far, chef's kiss.