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A member registered Oct 09, 2021

Recent community posts

Thanks to you for being so nice and available despite surely you are already full of questions and work, take care all of you working right now!

Thanks and sorry!

I don't really know how it works, also this is not to justify my asking too many questions, but despite the young age I have slight memory issues so I end up forgetting I already wrote something so I usually end up writing too many things at once (whetever it's the same question or a different one) but you can ignore the other ones that's fine.

I was a bit more curious about the DLC at the moment so you don't need to answer the others, don't worry about it.

I would delete some of them but I don't know how so if you see any other question from me (wherever it's the same or a different one) you can ignore it since it's usually just me forgetting that I already received an answer or already know the answer.

Sorry again for the inconvenience, hope you have a great day/night!

Does someone know if the DLC for the wedding or Derek and Baxter Route are already out?

I searched Online and looked on Patreon but despite the mention of this DLC there's nothing that either talk about a release date, them existing or a possibility to buy them in the future.

I tried to ask to the game developer on Patreon or Tumblr but never got an answer so I'm trying here or some other people who maybe know when they will come out on Patreon because they probably saw when the post that talked about a possible date release was shared until I wait for a answer from the developer.

One question, I downloaded the voiced lines for the names and selectEd Josh (since it's the closest one that I could find for Joshua), Steam automatically put the voiced lines in the game and I clicked on the name similiar to my name but I couldn't hear the characters say it, I thought that only Cove could when my mom didn't said it but I never heard Cove said my name as well and I don't know what to do.

I also tried to keep the base name Jamie just to hear him say the voiced name even if it wasn't mine, but it still didn't worked.

Did I do something wrong?

In case I did there's a solution for it?

I really don't know what to do😅😂