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Joro Games

A member registered Sep 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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I Know I'm mad late to this post, but thank you.

The version I have up here is just a demo for the game and so it only features a few levels. The skull is a gauntlet - a very challenging level needed to unlock the next stage. 

I'm working on adding more levels and achievements before the final release!

I also noticed those bugs after release. I am fixing the jump and the tethering.  A new update should be out within the week!

Thanks for the support and comment! So far its just a demo of the game mechanics - I am working on more levels each day. I agree the double jump s a little unsatisfying. I'll tweak that in the next update. Should be soon!

Happy Jumping!

What version of the game are you running and what level did the issue seem to be on?

Penrose community · Created a new topic Bugs

This is the dedicated message board for bugs and solutions!

Sorry about the bug- truly!  Please post your game version, operating system, and a detailed explanation of what's wrong / what happened and I'll get to it as soon as I can!

Tricity community · Created a new topic Generators & Stuff

Let's come up with some new types of power production and different ways to gain power!  No idea is a bad one!

Thanks FallenXBlade!  I will look into this ASAP.  Should be fixed for the 1.5 update!

(1 edit)

Sorry about that Jakob123, in response to your post, I posted instructions on the main page.  I cant believe I overlooked this for so long.  


  • WASD: Movement
  • Q E: Rotation
  • Mousewheel: Zoom
  • Middle Mouse Button: Pane Around
  • P: to place solar panels
  • T: to place wind turbines
  • R: to place roads
  • C: to clear tiles
  • F: to place flora (trees & such)
Tricity community · Created a new topic Suggestions

Any suggestions or things you'd like to see?  Scrawl 'em here and ill take a looksie.

Tricity community · Created a new topic Bugs & Issues

Any bugs or error reports should be posted here!

Hey TheTrueCyberGamer, turns out I goofed the upload and failed to provide the Mono run time folder in the .zip file.  I re-uploaded and it should be fixed and ready to go!