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A member registered Aug 17, 2018

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Okay I'm starting to think that I might have messed something up in my game since I still can't get moves in the DNA shop even though I have all the DNA fragments. I need help.(I have also installed the newest patch). 

Zheng's DNA shop is still not letting me select yes or no when I try to buy moves.

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There is still a problem with zheng's dna shop. Now when I try to get moves for other characters the yes and no options are blacked out when zheng asks me if I want to trade dna for the moves, so I end up being stuck since I can't select yes or no to get out.

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I'm having a bit of trouble in peppy jack's place mostly in the chip department. When ever I rush at the gate it rises before I even get there and sometimes I get there before the gate rises but I ram into some sort of invisible wall. So i can't continue on from there.(The first gate)

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When I  get eve's oni chomp from zeng I can no longer select yes or no when zeng says "are you done shopping?"

quick question is  sheepsquatch-B's  only move ray burst for all the slots or is it just a glitch?