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A member registered Dec 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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DEVLOG #7 (9/30/20)

Had to add in sound effects for items and interactable objects

DEVLOG #6 (9/29/20)

Key items and UI are programmed and implemented!

DEVLOG #5 (9/28/20)

Had to add-in key and  door mechanic. Going to have 4 different 'key' items throughout the level, and have some sort of UI tell the player how many keys they've collected as they proceed. Thinking of keys being parts of the ship that the player has to collect

DEVLOG #4 (9/23/20)

Animated items, and finished terrain art and implementation into the game. Also created goal object, and win screen!

DEVLOG #3 (9/21/20)

Finished item sprites and imported them into the game. After the last playtest going to begin working on creating level/terrain art

DEVLOG #2 (9/15/20)

Finished animations for main character, and health bar and began implementing and programming them into the scene. Going to work on creating item objects and importing those

Playtest Notes #2

1. Terrain could be changed to better fit the vector art style

2. Lower 'ground' platform should have a more definitive edge to it

Playtest Notes!

1. Add controls for WASD input

2. The player's horizontal speed could be increased to counter how 'floaty' the gravity is in the level

3. Platform collision detection could be adjusted to give the player a more consistent approach to each platform.

DEV LOG #1: Started white-boxing yesterday, going to try to work on either level design, or creating a character controller over the weekend.