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A member registered Aug 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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shocked I found a work that’s currently being worked on, I’m so used to abandoned wips. god I love you hahaha😌 

awesome! wasnt expecting crowe to be such a sweet boy <3

Wonderful game! i usually dont comment but i just had to.. When the mc is in the blue coyote underground place and gets to choose a person to chat with, i chose luca. and then we get to pick our preferred animal. ofc i choose cat. and then our reasoning for choosing a cat is that THEYRE EASY.? REQUIRE LESS ATTENTION. gorl i am crying like no no no those are all the worst reasons to pick a cat. it just threw me off because it seems like sort of an apathetic reason. no hate or anything especially towards a piece of work that obviously took so much time and love it just sent me into a mini coma of sadness ;; (srsly tho i love luca) .... (and cats....)

This is the best game on itchio.

you this is so cool. And THERES MORE games like this?! what a treat(≧∇≦)

I’m always excited to find a new IF with so much engaging content, but this one truly hits. we readers are truly lucky to experience this project <3

this is awesome! Obviously there was MUCH work and thought put into this project, and all us readers certainly enjoy it!!

looks like i found my new obsession :p its soooo good, i feel blessed to be able to read this haha

love this

bro, please do, then link it to me lmao

Cute little game!!