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Jonia Dabac

A member registered Jan 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Any chance this game get more levels (diffrent maps) and/or more randomness in passengers travelling? I appreciate the ability to play multiplayer, but it gets boring after few games. Also that you must read the tutorial signs again and again.

I actually made something very similar - Tetris for two players: Sd-kus

Absolutely okay, it's not limiting me in any way. Just letting you know.

Well, I hope V3 get some fixes :)

I found visual glitch (flooding water) when generating villages on android 9 phone:

Upper two displayed in firefox/edge, and lower two in chrome.

Can this be fixed? Or is it known bug or something in progress?

We win our like 50th game ever, so not hard... but very good idea!