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Jonathan Steuve

A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Une expérience rolistique unique qui marie avec brio l'horreur de l'apocalypse zombie à l'euphorie de la comédie musicale! La mécanique des règles incite irrésistiblement à chanter pour essayer de survivre ! J'ai adoré y jouer et... c'est totalement addictif ! =)

This game is an absolute gem! It's a captivating experience to step into the role of Nature itself, confronting adversities with grace...or not!!! The beauty of its poetic narrative and the impact of its themes resonate deeply, making it a truly enchanting and unforgettable journey.

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Quand je pense aux Veilleuses:

"Les Veilleuses, un jeu de rôle envoûtant, 
Où la nature est reine et les esprits omniprésents,
Contre les menaces, la Souillure et le Néant.,
Les Veilleuses, gardiennes d'un monde fascinant."

Mille Merci Guillaume et Willy pour ce jeu !

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The most intriguing and inclusive RPG I have ever heard about. I listened to it and I am so Hyped! I look forward to play with friends and discover the world of absolute NIGHT ! Centering blindness not as a disability anymore but as a force to guide Humanity in this post-apo world. Just a brilliant idea !

So nice to see this wonderful game translated in English ! =)

I would also definitely recommend Sonja & Conan vs the Ninjas! A must have !

Really nice RPG made by and for the kids... but not only!!! Actually it is the best RPG to play with (your) kids. You can live adventures bigger than life with the eyes of a child. Bads might not be so bad and solutions are not always the fight! Loving it!

Jeu fantastique! Il émule excellemment les films de Série B de Barbare à la Sword et Sorcery avec un réel talent! Les règles sont super courtes, la préparation prend 2 minutes et le plaisir est immédiat! Épique avec le plein de rigolade!

Fantastic game! It really emulates the Barbarian Heroe of Sword and Sorcery's B movies with such talent! Rules are super thin, preparation is 2 minutes and fun is immediate! Epic with lot of laughs!