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Jonasz O.

A member registered Oct 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi, im wondering why 3Dobject dont have conditions: 'Is overlapping another obiect' or 'on collision with another object' ?

Nice, my 3yo daughter loves this game

i try on my chrome and edge browser. In your project WebGPU is On ? When is on i always receive black screen, in this game too. Regards

Just run exe file. In stallation is noo needed. Its portable version

please try again, maybe you should delete cookies, i updated this now

What heppened? Do you use all TAG points and Char Points?

Maybe some other apps cause this problem. When i record screen with game sometimes i have this same problem

Wrong file. Dxwebsetup is install file for directX 9 library

ok, im watching now i try reproduce your steps t oreceive this same bugs

thak you for the video

WIN file 

hi, can you tell me which NPC cause this problem?

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hello, thank you.  Save game data are saved in Browser cache memory

in future yes

this is rare Gear specs issue, hard to say what is missing in your system

record video from your desktop i must se whats going on

Hi, 1 i make them as new enemies to add in future, also i make shorts movie on youtube.

2 i consider that, maybe i add code to open bunker with weapons.

3  i tested Klamath location and always combat mode is turning off whel lvel is started

4 Lockpicking and steal have changed positions?

6 i must check that

7. i check that soon

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"[2024-04-30 19:05:57,780]::[InvokeAI]::WARNING --> No UI found at D:\invokeai_standalone_latest\invokeai3_standalone\env\lib\site-packages\invokeai\frontend\web/dist, skipping UI mount "

any ideas how fix this?

yes, im sure i upload source code of this game

hi, thanks i will take look at this :)

This is the version for Windows 10+ that uses a browser to open the game as a desktop application. Currently the game is too large for to allow online play

sure, i add color red / blue for this counter in next relase, Blue color means is ready to go

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you need spent TAG skills and Char Pionts

Anyway thanks for screen shots, everybody should post their issues / bug reports this way

first try this link on Your linux browser and let me know is everything ok:\Fallout

sorry for broken linux port. can you play via browser?

(1 edit)

1, prabably yes i can add something similiar, to real time combat in next relase

2. sure, i should someday add all descriptions, this is all manual work, for three languages... but when i start doind this and adding translations descriptions will be for good.

Few people helping me with graphics more less with 2d and 3d models

hi! i prepare two videos, first is from my project:  take look when red screen appears, when 3d object is visible on screen

second video is  downloaded from your examples, only few cause error (set time scale of video to 2x

I hope this help you, maybe older versions maybe help solve problem, can you add to download few previous versions? i will check them and let you know. Kind regards!
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hi, after 3d plugin update i have problems with editing my game, i think it was problem with something in my project. i open one of your examples and also i have problem. When i edit events in Evens Sheet nothing happen, when i switch tab to layout with 3D objects this screen appear

(4 edits)

Fog looks so good. Imagine a graveyard with this fog effect. You should relase optional another plugin to add fog to every project without frag light addon

try use 7zip to extract, i check this file right now and files work well

on right bottom corner of game window is fullscreen button

AP regenerate every 0.5 s

Hello! i think this is good question for support

i dont know anything about F1 remake in 3d. Lot of people ask me about remade fallout 1. i should first finish this project, gain experience and then work on F1

hi, full screen mode is already here, also you can tam F11 to set ful screen on browser.

I prepoare quick tutorial soon 

i try add mouse button

Hold mouse button follow to cursor

LMB pick square and fire

save game and load only works on city / village/ encounter maps

OK :) i wish you luck with co op with scirra devs to receive enough support

Hi, I'm trying to replace the old '3d Face light' lighting type with a new one, but I'm having no luck so far. Should the 'Fog exponential' and the old '3d Face light' plugin be removed from the project, or can they stay?