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A member registered Jul 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Can you try going to the settings and toggling the fullscreen on/off to see if it does anything. I will have to look into it to see how it could be fixed

Hmm, yeah I might add that :)

Thanks for the recommendation!

It will be in your library (top right corner dropdown). There you either download it by following the instructions, or you claim the Steam key and use it on Steam

Thanks for playing! That bit is truly difficult :D

is this in the demo or the full version? If it's the full version, check that you don't have "remove exclaves" on as that can cause some lag

You mean Chromebook? You can try if the Android version on Google Play works on it(?)

Glad you enjoyed it!

Can you try using the Steam version? You can get the key from the download section

What version of windows do you have? It should definitely work on 10 and 11, though I don't see why it wouldn't work on older ones. Are you sure it wasn't your windows firewall complaining, which is very likely to happen (I have explained this in the download instructions). If you are still running into trouble, you could join the Discord and message me there. Maybe I can help

Steam Version has Steam Workshop, which makes downloading other people's maps/scenarios easier. With the itch version you need to manually add files to the correct folders in your computer. But other than that nothing

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probably by clicking the button? Edit: You probably thought I was talking about Steam. You need to go to your ITCH library, top right corner, and there find this game and there should be a button called Claim Steam Key

Not sure what you mean by the censored word, but medow is definitely misspelled, it should be meadow (basically a field). I don't know how that has not been noticed before :D

Your steam key should be in roughly the same place as your downloads, in the Library (top right). There should be a Claim Steam Key button somewhere

If you bought it it should be in your Library (located in top right)

I'll think about it, but it kinda feels like padding, which most players wouldn't pay attention to. But I've been trying to figure out a way for puppet states to work

Awesome! Thanks!

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Itchio doesn't support regional pricing. Steam and mobile stores do, so the game can be a bit cheaper if you live in poorer countries. Itch is the best place to buy it if you live in US

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I think for chromebook you probably need to use the Android Version on Google Play Store. Others have had problems running the PC version on Chromebook

Visible army units won't be added, but I definitely want to improve the combat system, especially gold's role and some other things

Maybe never(??) Idk. I think it gives a good idea of the game and if you want a demo that is more closer to the full version you can try out the mobile version or watch a YouTube video. Also keeping it the way it is shows how much the game has changed :D

Only a steam code. Mobile is completely different

Go buy a lottery ticket!

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I'll look into it tomorrow. If I cant find a solution I can send a key to you directly

Hmm. There should still be many left. Do you get some error when trying to get one? I actually don't know what the process/button looks like :D

This update will eventually come to the app as well. Just later as I'm on holiday

Cool platformer :D

Awesome! Thank you!

I will definitely improve diplomacy, like with puppets and such. I wil also add some sort of event log, but nothing that will allow to preview the map at different states as it's not really possible for this game without massive memory consumption

Thanks! Well I'm not sure when I'll be updating the web demo, but maybe someday. As for replaying battles and the map, unfortunately that would require me to record every pixel on the canvas constantly which would require loads of memory and performance would tank, so not gonna happen, sorry :D

I would definitely like to add flags to the game. A more detailed world map is coming soon!

Thanks! Revolt spawns can cause some lag if they are big especially when speed is increased. Yeah lag on older phones is quite expected. But I'll try to optimize the game more in the future :)

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Weird. Does this happen when a simulation runs for a while or does it slow down no matter what you do? What speed do you run the simulation? If you are running on max speed it might get laggy

Can you tell what model your phone is roughly :D

Yes the mobile version is more similar to the Full version. You can buy the full version on mobile to unlock all features

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Web browsers don't save the progress sadly. You would need to use the downloaded or Google Play version

Thanks for playing :D

Well cities currently house possible revolts and cores provide places to move capital in case it is taken. I would like to make them more useful in future. As for combat efficiency setting. If you are on PC it will tell you in a tooltip what they mean. But basically with random CE is randomized every 10 years, progressive changes it to random direction by 1 every 10 years. Static is if you want to specifically set each nations efficiency yourself

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Well this was just a project to test if I can finish a game. I'm glad you liked it :D

I mean there is always luck involved. Plus I think it's more interesting if the bigger nation doesn't always win. The map obviously has some effect on which nations have some advantage.

Wars/combat works a bit different in the browser version since there is no gold or combat efficiency, plus alliances are only of two nations

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I definitely want to make more games in the future, but currently I'm focusing on this one. I mostly work alone but some things like art, music and localization is done with additional help.

Thanks for being interested in possible future projects :D