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A member registered Sep 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for feedback. I will increase the font size next patch.

Thank you very much! This is a great gameplay with commentary. I'm very glad you enjoyed the game. Good luck growing your channel.

I replied to your message on Steam.

The entire looping system will be further changed to make it more satisfying. I hope you will enjoy the final version.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

1. I want to add a progression system that slowly increases the difficulty to make sure more players can enjoy the game. If that's not enough, I'll have to add something similar to your answer to this problem (difficulty slider).

2. I totally agree. Blood doesn't make much sense in the end game. I have some ideas on how to fix this, but they're not ready yet ;)

3. You don't even know how much these words mean to me. You are the first stranger who said something nice about my project. Thank you very much.

Have a great day/night :)

Thank you, I'm glad you beat the game so quickly. Do you have any suggestions about the gameplay ?

This game is super cool. Well done !

Hello, I checked your game and right now it's full of bugs. Please, test it little bit more. I hope the final product will be great.

For 3 hours game is great

Thank you very much

Very cool game. Congratulation ! I have one question. On which engine game was created ? 

(1 edit)

The game looks pretty cool. I really like the artstyle and music :).  Unfortunately I had two problems with this demo. Collision  next to first doors is too big. I just cant fit into the hallway.  The second thing is in my opinion the enemies are just too fast. If they run you have not time for reaction.