I think focusing complexity on the areas and items that lead the character through game play is key. Everything else could be simplified. I was so shocked in the reveal of the room when coming from behind the dresser and i think thats a very successful aspect of the game!
With such an open space though its hard to navigate and figure out which direction I should go and which areas are intended to be explored and which should not. The area in front of the doll house is a bit over loaded and I do think it's a great idea to diclutter it just a little bit. I found myself having to jump through the area and wasn't able to do much walking. This could be solved by giving the character a gliding jump since she has wings so that the player and do navigation from above the plane. That could also asist in game navigation as well.
As for the lighting I don't think there enough variation to get any feelings from it. Finding the warm night like doesn't have a reward and being the the cooler light doesnt have a consequence so all in all it doesnt have much impact. I think in order to convey the feelings you're going for you would need to add music/sound effects and then the consequences/rewardds i mentioned earlier.
All in all it's looking awesome! It's crazy how much you've gotten done on your own! good job!