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A member registered Feb 16, 2019

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Thank u its  so good

is there any other way to  download the patch i tried   . I  bought the game on steam but it did not work  with patch :(  

is there link ?  

thats cool if we also can get night and day too it will be extra cool ^^

Thanks for ur hard work 

Emrys the way he treats mc is so sweet i cant wait to find more about how he knew them by the way his design is so cool^^

i loved the music too^^

I loved Aarya and the way they treat other characters they so cool i cant wait to buy this one too.

I played ur first game thanks for the hard work u always  do ^^

OMG, Harun ending was the best for me i wanted to last longer^^

it was a little hard to get it, but it was worth it

the song at the ending it was beautiful even though it was short

the characters was interesting and lovely, the music was nice 

thank you for working hard to give us such a nice game ^^