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A member registered Aug 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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thanks for motivation. Appriciated.

mostly only harass and carassing, no rape. nope

its still in progress, probably in future once able to put everything together.


just play the latest one, which compose of all chapter

thanks, I’ll try to improve.


No longer updating android version…

No longer updating android version…

thanks :>

thanks :>

No longer updating android version…

No longer updating android version…

No longer updating android version…

what os/version are you using?

No longer updating android version


No longer updating android version…

Thanks for trying out. I rebuild and reupload the apk file again. If it still doesn’t work, then… I don’t know whats wrong with android anymore since only windows works for me perfectly.

So sorry to hear that. :(

Updated to be apk

There is but there’s no way for me to try it out. So try it out on your own.

doing ok

If I can Shadow Clone like naruto, maybe I can update sooner.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Next update

Well, I guess thats a bit too much once getting caught too much for CGs lol. I think I am encouraging people the wrong way. Remake on the way.

still in development.. Just started out few months ago and I have lots of things I need to fix and add. If you want to keep up with the development, feel free to follow on here (=w=’

It is free to download…

Fixed, eventhou there’s nothing much yet.

Thanks, I am working on it.

Probably the next chapter update. currently I felt the need for lots of rework after lots of useful feedback. sorry for the slow reply.

sorry only for Windows OS.

oh yea my mistake, sadly i can’t edit the post again. supposed to be ch 0. Anyways im working on Ch 1, so kinda preoccupied

Its just unzipping it to a folder and play. no installation.
