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John Rajczyba

A member registered Feb 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey Hanna, I came across ur concern about tax and wanted to say I got 0% tax withdrawl by using National Insurance number, not UTR.

I'm no expert (and probs shouldnt be giving advice) but I hope that helps!

Wow really great idea. I love seeing ideas that are so vast in scope really come to life with such simple rng. Played for about 30 mins and got quite a few loops in. I definitely haven't seen it all so will be sure to come back and have another session!

Out of curiosity, do you have a planned end-point for this project? An amount of content where you'll call it quits? Because this really seems like the type of game you could keep adding to forever, so many possibilities for content!

Really excellent, god I love this art style. The entire sequence with the man in the loincloth. Superb. Funnily after just rewatching Barry Lyndon I decided everything is better with Handel, and this proves it! Also might be my favourite water texture.

My new favourite example for both short games, and political games. I loved it. I really really loved it.


Truly fantastic.

Loved it. Aside from the amazingly creepy atmosphere and story, the card game itself is really cool! Was wondering if the sacrificing mechanic was inspired by a different game or did you invent it yourself? Would love to play around with that more.