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A member registered Aug 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Is there a link to play the game or a download link available? I don't see any way to play :/

Oh, that extension is well appreciated! Although I guess it means this is more like a 10 hour jam instead of a 4 hour one. :P That is much appreciated though, as there was no way I would have finished by the initial end mark.

The jam has officially started!  🎉

I am wondering what the theme for the jam is, so I can get started working.

I have to agree that the neon aesthetic is top notch!

I also love how even though the design is simple, it lends itself to some interesting emergent consequences, namely that missiles that are closer to you are moving faster and very scary, but are easier to hit because they have a larger angular size. This leads to a very interesting difficulty balancing that you may want to take advantage of if you decide to develop this idea further!

Also, not being able to see the entire sky all at once leads to super sneaky missiles coming in from the opposite side,  which makes it really hard to have a 100% success rate. :P

(1 edit)

Wow this is a wonderful game! The graphics and music combine to form a great aesthetic, and I wish my computer could handle running it at full speed.

Also got the following exception while playing (idk how helpful this is, given the line numbers are from minified  sources :/):