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A member registered Apr 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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It’s pretty impressive for a first game! Keep working and you will become an amazing developer. Best of wishes and happy new year!

The controls are decent and the art is great but the combination didn't go so well. I can tell (by looking at the scripts) that you may not be an experienced developer. And if so, this is great for someone with not a lot of experience, but there isn't much of a game loop. It might be a bug from me but nothing happens besides skeletons and bones falling and you being able to shoot them. There isn't much stopping you from just doing nothing, there isn't a reward / penalty system. It would also be nice if you figured out a way to make the ground move with the skeletons almost as if you are walking and have to dodge them. Another thing is that will change your game is the environment. Since there are bones and skeletons, a night time scene would highly boost the feel of the environment. Another to help would be post-processing. I won't do too much explaining but it will definitely help to add some vignette and bloom. One last thing is that I don't really see the theme in here.. Overall it was pretty easy to control and the art looked great! I'm so happy you took part in this jam!

Amazing that you managed to all of this in the time you were given! The only flaw is that because it is a game jam game and multiplayer there won't be many people playing at the same time. I would love to play it but I have no one to play with. Amazing work, from what I can see on the menu and on the screenshot. Sadly, I haven't been able to see the in-game map or mechanics. Thanks!

try something like: 

private IEnumerator wait(float time){

     yield return new WaitForSeconds(time);


Create a courotine

(2 edits)

We are looking for a talented artist for our game, we hope you find this soon and can let us know! Thanks! Discord: OωO#9076