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A member registered Jan 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Definitely a bit short but still really enjoyable! Great atmosphere, simple but well tied-in puzzles, and creepy monster. Can't wait to see chapter 2 :)

Man I hate mannequins so this was a really good horror experience, and I also liked how you tied in a bit of the backrooms. Nice touch:)

Another phenomenal game by the man himself. Great atmosphere, funny dialogue, but a great experience!

Apologies for the wait, but I thought it was a great kick starter for what's to come next in the series. Ran into a few bugs (see my video when I enter the kitchen) but other than that, I thought it was a nice eerie experience. Can't wait to see what's in stock!

This game was genuinely one of the creepiest games I've ever played, and the body cam style/view was amazingly represented. Phenomenal game.

Loved Maze, so I cant wait to play and record this one:)

Had a really fun time playing this! Didn't get to complete it because I absolutely suck at mazes but it was still a thrilling experience. If you're interested, here's my playthrough of it:)

After hours of contemplating the next horror game I should play, I'm glad I picked yours. This was such a short but immersive game. I had no idea what to expect going in so I kept an open mind and impressed. You were able to capture the eerieness that a lot of horror game fail to get right. I could be biased because I have a love for horror games, but that doesn't change the fact that you have a solid game right here. Well done:) 

This game absolutely surprised me. I honestly thought it was going to be another short and cheesy horror game with cheap jumpscares and such, but I instead found myself completely on edge with the resonating fear that there was actually someone in the attic. Phenomenal job on this game! Feel free to check out my experience :)

This game was one of the best horror games I've played in a while. The sheer atmosphere was enough to constantly keep me on my toes, and that's the level of horror I look for. If you're interested, I believe I made a solid video off of it but I'll leave that for anyone who wants to watch it to decide. :) 

LOVED this game. Short, but absolutely amazing! If you want to check out the video I made for it here it is :)

Great short horror game! Created my first video on it!