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A member registered Jan 26, 2020

Recent community posts

I'm guessing that it was less of a lie and more of an update changed how it worked.

"Holy mother of overreaction" is a good way to describe your comments here.

One would think players are hanging Dr.Nose by the toes how hard you're coming to the rescue here. It'll be okay, homie.

(2 edits)

I can't explain how cool you are, Lilith. I like to archive old versions of indie games, just for my personal collection. Few devs keep their old stuff online so it sucks sometimes when future versions errata/retcon/update stuff out and what not. Every step of the way, from the old trailers and images to now, you've been one of the coolest developers I've ever watched grow.

I can't wait to see what else you make. <3

Strange bug. Randomly when I download a card, the very corner of the card will have a grey square saying "File not..." but it still works fine as an embeddable PNG. Not sure what's going on, since it only happens randomly, and seems to fix itself if I refresh and try again.

(1 edit)

I like it so far, dude. I cranked my INT and was pleasantly surprised by the passive skill check as I was leaving the Tower. I love stuff like this. I can imagine it's rather labor-intensive to create. I'll definitely be back for more later.