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JM Studios

A member registered Jul 21, 2021

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never used itch before, will try to update this if theres any mistakes. ty


I can only imagine the monumental work that went into making this game, which is only about a fifteen-minute long experience (if you do all the dramatic pauses and turns I did in each new environment).

The visual effects and shader work are the most impressive part by far - the way the lines join,  dissipate, move and slide together, the way portals slice the air and open, the way the burning orange of the flames slowly consumes the house, the way textures of the walls shift and distort - it is done with such competency and such intent that I can't help but feel a deep admiration for this game.

The sound design, of all things, is what surprised me the most to how powerful it was and how much it contributed to the game. I'm mostly talking about the synth (because it's beautiful and I love it and it kinda makes me want to cry) and it's prominent and versatile use throughout the game.

Lastly, the last few minutes are pretty straight-forward with the story, where subtext almost becomes text, which I don't know if joined well with how everything was presented before (in elusive, metaphorical imagery). Dreams are often difficult to fully comprehend, at least in a way that we can vocalize, and so we are often affected by them in ways we can perceive, but not understand. To the same extent, this game deeply affected me. I'm still trying to make sense of it all while writing this, and this weird connection I now have to it feels profound. It feels important.

So maybe it is.

Muito bom esse jogo aí, opinião minha sem nenhum viés.