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A member registered Jul 07, 2018

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The anticipation before the big reveal at the end is great! I'm not fond of stealing someone's review but what NeverackWinteright said below, the game seems to have been made with great effort. The feel, the environment, the textures, everything feels intact and goes along with the theme of the game. I have encountered some bugs but due to me being a #professionalgamer (not elaborating), I managed to make it more enjoyable. Overall, the whole style is cool, good for a chill afternoon after going to work or doing your tasks. Pog Pog PogU

Is the "Itulak ang pulang buton" a Filipino translation? If so, that's great! I got to hear Mark speaking Filipino lol. Can I just request for you to change it into "Pindutin ang pulang pindutan"? It's a more accurate translation. Thanks. It's a nice game btw