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Jimmy's pupil

A member registered Aug 05, 2020

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Welp, im not huge fun of NFSW games and play that for story(tried even join to dev team but it was bad idea) xD yeah,ppl like me is real. So. Story not bad, game pretty funi,scenes,but ig in future why not to make various new poses and dialogues between them. Also after continuing the main story, you can add additional plots with the main characters in separate parts of the city.For example, a date that turned into a night walk in a forest park and having sex on the shore of a pond / lake. Also add plot forks there, where you can escape or continue with a chance of ending the scene and the escape of the main characters from other residents of the city or park guards.Well, or add a yuri scene in the same park or wherever (i think it should be fixed earlier, just gradually and carefully after the main events). Although i think you have enough new ideas, plans for story and game in a whole.  So cant wait future updates for read new sotrylanes ;-)

i trow play these games but welp.I will come back xDDD

Can't wait update...I need learn new with Jimmy