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A member registered Mar 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for a lovely nostalgic tune, BIM!

"If you're eating meat loaf while listening to Meat Loaf while playing this game about meat loaf, you get +2 to all fighting rolls." Jeremy Crawford wishes he could create a game mechanic this perfect.

Using "purer" functions has been a big help in code writing. Trying to clear away any side effects from a function makes it easier to design and debug.

px,py,vx,vy=update(px,py,vx,vy,ax,ay) is a pure or at least mostly pure function. The only data the function reads is the inputs, and the function does nothing except return the correct values.

And writing things out in pure functions made it obvious that the dimensions were independent, so I can write...

function update(p,v,a,t)

 t=t or 0.033333333 --approx. 1/30 sec frame time

 return p+v*t+0.5*a*t*t, v+a*t


function updateball(ball,otherstuff)

--100 times more readable than putting everything in one line


--can use it for both 2 and 3 dimensions


(It's silly that I like to write p_new=p+v*t+0.5*a*t*t instead of just p_new=p+v*t, the extra accuracy is probably never needed. But how the heck should I be able to compare tradeoffs in speed and accuracy? Both speed and accuracy of even a crappy computer are light-years beyond what I need to emulate a PICO8 fantasy console. Most people use a simpler formula because of laziness, not desire for efficiency.)

Very nice! I didn't expect to have this much challenge OR narrative! Nice mini story beats. The fast-spreading fire was a surprise. (feel free to ignore: on keyboard I hit up before spraying and jumped into fire a few times. I didn't expect the spray button on ladders to make me climb down. On controller it felt weird to aim left, then straight up, and have the spray go up-and-right. I'm sure you'd polish up the controls if you had a few more hours of time. The controls felt very nice.)