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A member registered Nov 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very cool to see! As many have said, this actually improves on the original with sprites that are wonderfully drawn and feel very true to the arcade whilst being given a modern makeover. Well done treading that line so well! 

One thing - and this is just me being curious and in no way critical - in AGA versions do you think the parallax backgrounds from the arcade might be possible to achieve? 

Really great work, excited to see updates as you work on them! 

Thanks for your reply, I didn't know this so it's good to learn! 

Hi Piggy 18 team! 

Truly a C64 masterpiece! Beautiful, distinctive use of colour, great sprites and animation and it's really fun to play. Snappy controls, speed is just right and so far it's felt tough but never unfair, you always want just one more go! 

Props to all involved on what was clearly a passion project made with great care and attention to detail. Definitely C64 top 5 of all time and great to play a game that feels at once classic and modern. 

Just learned from the comments that saving level progress doesn't work on Easy mode, good to know. That would be my only minor wish for a change though, as I find 'easy' is really well balanced.

Anyone else playing on MisterFPGA? Wondering if on Med difficulty the level completion saves will save to the cart or only be valid for the current play session? 

Hi Sarah, and thanks for crafting a modern gem for the breadbox! 

I'm just getting started, running on MiSTer which allows for saving to disk. When I mount a blank disk and attempt to save, I receive a "Save successful" message, but then the slot appears empty and I remain in the save menu. Nothing saves to that slot... would you have any tips for me? 

Also tried saving to Cart but I get a "Save unsuccessful" message there, perhaps as there's no physical cartridge in place? 

Using latest version v1.0.3. Thanks again! Game looks really charming and I'm looking forward to getting into it!