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A member registered Dec 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really appreciate the feedback in video form :) trying to slow the squid down with cables at the start was a completely understandable way to do it (wish I'd had time to put in a tutorial to explain that this wasn't how it worked).

If I come back to the idea I'll be sure to make the Kraken a bit more respectful, with the slow turning and multiple tentacles it can get quite unfair.

Hah I though I was doing it the quick way (grabbing random objects on hand and shaking them around), I think I need more practice with bfxr before I can get specific noises out of it that don't sound like off-brand Pokemon cries, couldn't get a deep/booming noise no matter how many explosions I generated and mutated.

Thanks, You're right about the sounds I think they would have improved a lot I spend some time on the final day trying to add some (foley with a bag of crisps, wooden box and rocks, then just some synthesized buzz/booms) to try to get a thunder boom but nothing came out remotely right so cut my losses :)

I got a "You did it" message after drowning all three of the goat, lettuce, and wolf followed by a level reset, I guess in a way I did end up solving my problem.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback :) don't really want to punish the player for spooking/sleeping the cats beyond just missing out on the points, the game felt bad in the wrong way when I included a fail state or points loss (the cats are random so it feels very arbitrarily punishing when you find one you can't possibly pat, which didn't really suit the tone). I'll add a border/frame to the progress bars that would help a lot.