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A member registered Aug 08, 2018

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Thank you so much. Whenever I've tried to detect both objects and tiles before in one check it would go completely wrong. I was checking or instead of and, which usually resulted in players that can't move at all.

Adding and removing tiles would work in most cases, but I like the destructible objects to have their sprites collision masks, and be able to be freely positioned. With tiles I would need need to stick to the grid(and tile size), and every object that has a unique collision requires me to change my tile sprites, which I can see being tedious.

It still helps performance, since the amount of collision objects is going to be so small.


This asset is great! It makes collisions feel much less clunky, I'll probably continue to use it for quickly jumping into top-down games for ages. 

One question though; how can I make the script work with BOTH tiles and objects at the same time? Tiles is great for just about everything, but I usually use objects for destructible obstacles.