Okay, I can't for the life of me reproduce this issue outside of my project - but I found the code that's causing it? I was working on a menu when I noticed the crash, so I removed the draw gui event and there was no crash. I started adding the code back line by line and checking to see if it would crash, and it's this?
var _aspect = _guiWidth/_guiHeight
if (_aspect < 1) { // The Code in here doesn't matter.
So trying to check that _aspect < 1 causes the crash. If the statement is false the game will run until I try to save, in which it crashes, and if the statement if true the game will crash instantly. Removing the live call at the top of my event fixes the issue, so that's how I know where it is. I guess I can just comment this out until I'm done working on the draw event?
I just... don't get it? Like why is this check causing this?