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A member registered Oct 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

When "WithThreeJS" extension is loaded, edit the "Create3dScene" option.

See line 71 - 

Camera.far = 1000;

Increase the value to render further.

Good grief, and now you have collisions and movement working with slopes .... how? Guidance please! :)

Could you add a fullscreen button?

Very nice design idea. Boat feels like it stops too soon. Some physics tweaking could improve this.

Maddeningly difficult! But the ship control has a nice feel. I would try to make the movement a little more "floaty". This will increase the difficulty a little.

Check screen size? Think about using more of the screen space in the design?


No, still the same. The pointed end I am guessing should be facing forwards?

Reduce the "Torque" to a lower value like 0.05 or less. This reduces the turning power.

Looks nice but nothing moves?

Much better. I would edit your collision shapes so that the ship-cross collision is more precise. Use custom shapes for both ship and cross. Edit the sprite object to do this.

Nice theme though

Try rotating your graphic 90 degrees counter-clockwise. It looks like it is taking the "forward" vector to be facing downwards.

Challenging but perhaps maddening player movement. Try to get a more satisfying movement, keep the level of challenge, which might mean moving things around in the layout.

Some nice layout ideas, but the space is not used. Win test does not seem to work?

Nice ideas. Check screen size?

Could do with instructions and some more sound?

It seems impossibly bouncy and spinny. A reset key would be nice. Some route options (there is no point in taking the route to the right?

Nice designs! I don't know how to "win" though

Rotate your graphic so that it points 90 degrees to the right. This will fix the steering

Your origin point for your player sprite is slightly off - this causes the ship to veer slightly to the right. The first level is a terrible idea.

Pretty good James. I would think about some options for pathways

Great stuff so far. Needs some sounds

Give it a go. It is supposed to be broken and terrible at first. this related to the workshop....?

What ... is going on...? This could do with another pass...

Pretty good!. Check screen size? perhaps you have deliberately used a smaller size.

Good degree of challenge. I would take a look at making collision shapes for the cross and the ship. This will give very precise collision. Would like a little bit more choice in terms of path taken.

Remember the PLayer Sprite has to face forward pointing 90 degrees to the RIGHT, otherwise the movement does not work.

(1 edit)

Haha, crazily difficult! try reducing the Force in the player sprite control.

Check your sprite - the force seems to be pushing the wrong way.

(2 edits)

Wrong format. The game must be published as HTML Fixed.
Very inventive - can you keep the boxes bouncing more? I would add more threats (crosses), it is a bit easy once boxes stop bouncing. You can use the "barrier" objects to cut into the space.

Add more sound? 

Movement is broken. Some ideas here with the level design.

Far too easy. No thought put into the level design. 

(2 edits)

Far too easy. The ship slows down too much too fast. There does seem to be any thought put into the level design. Win condition collision test seems to be off. I would have a think about how you can design the space to be more interesting.

Windows demo is broken. Can be fixed by changing the data folder to "TuxAndFanny_Demo_Data" as per error message.