This game. Its amazing, the whole story the whole adventure, it shows that its not nedeed to be only lwd things. I mean ive cried to this, that good was this game, with excelent characters and i can notice a well expended time of effort you putted into this game. Good job with what have you done, and i never was more happy abt donating to game like this. I will be patience with the updates and hope you can bring more of this sooner ;)
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I made an account only to writte this. I have donwloaded this game and finished all what its to play(even the events) and i have to say it was maybe the best experience i ever had in a game like this. All the story, the jokes, everything. I never thinked i could Cry with a lwd videogame. This game was really worth playing and donating to it. Im very happy with what you made, and i will keep waiting the new updates you will make to this so keep enjoying an awesome adventure like this. I wish there could be more games like this ;) (also srry for bad english, i needed to say something good abt this game, congratulations)