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A member registered May 23, 2022 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

is nobody going to bring up how wet kaeya’s 4th kiss is (i looked in the files, shhhh))

i cried so hard my friends on discord got concerned

(1 edit)

once i get enough money, i will purchase this

-local aroace who enjoys men aesthetically

i’ll give both my legs for an onion route

I love how Iris isn’t actually nearly as spoiled as one might have expected based on how she acted when you first meet her! I feel bad that she was never allowed to climb trees when she still lived in the palace 24/7.

I love her so much.

please really do consider making either an onionthief route or a biglady route

i’m not a lesbian, but i also wish biglady had a route. she really is so sweet. group hug when she got stood up? yes please.

wtf your art style is so good

bug: i followed this walkthrough to a T and didn’t even get torrin’s route, i got markus’ route instead.

sora route when