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Thomas L.

A member registered Sep 13, 2014 · View creator page →

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Very fun short-form RPG with a cute adventurer girl and a very good final boss fight at the end. I got cocky and lost four times, even with all of my carefully-saved resources! It has some teeth! Excited for other little games to come.

That was really good! I ran into a couple of blocks where I got stuck but it was fun parsing out how to move through a couple of ways as a drill even without blocks to dig through!

I love how impersonal this gets as it goes on.

I'm still hungry...

Extremely Good!

I have not seen the show either but I'm pretty sure this is 100% accurate.

Excellent MIDI use throughout each page. I actually didn't even realize it was Flickgame Art until the credits then thought "Oh yeah that was definitely Flickgame Art!"

Great work as always!

I got it

GG Was the Car the whole time

I ATE ALL OF THE CAKES! And now I'm full.

This was Very Good.

185 my first time!

That's a Lot of Shrimp!

I wish I had some shrimp...

Haaaaaa I'll double check a couple of the spellings. A few friends pointed it out afterwards I just missed 'em so I'll update after the Jam period is over. Thanks for playing!

I DEFEATED! This was very fun thank you for making it!

Beary Delicious

(1 edit)

I will check on that boat problem to see what's going on there. Thank you!

Edit: I found it. Somehow I either missed that I didn't put the transfer event in there, or I didn't save somewhere. Nonetheless, I will be putting out an update shortly. You should be able to copy your save to the save folder. Thank you!

Hi! I just tried out a few things myself just to make sure I see what you see. If you have the game set to full screen, try pressing the f3 key on your keyboard, that toggles the game's size with borders. I hope this works for you!