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A member registered Mar 21, 2019

Recent community posts

Well...since you asked...
You could have some kind of "charging up" animation, where some sort of energy pulses through one of the rings, or the lights on the ring light up / fade away.

Or you could have the eye "blink".

Or you could make both rings orient themselves as "O" and then spin quickly.

It looks like you're rendering these in 3D and then pixelating them, which I think is great. Which is why I am suggesting such extravagant animations. :D

It's fine, I figured that is what you meant.

I am happy with my purchase. :D

I hope you hit your goal!

Well this is my favorite thing you've made. It's so good, in fact, that I bought it within a minute of looking at it.

To help boost sales for you:

Hey fellow creator---this thing is unusual, and cool, and big, and...less than a gas station soda. Would you trade your soda for the work that went into this? I sure would. And did.

For clarity, the guy meant "50 frames of animation," not "50 animations." There are four animations, all visible in the preview, but i think the preview doesn't include all the frames; the purchased product looks remarkably smoother.

5/5 Keep it up, Papoy. Seriously good work; top tier.

That is a really nice li'l NPC you made there!

Worthy of 5*.

I do not download a lot of music from itch, but this...I will download. :) 5*

Very nice. Any chance for a move animation? (Or hurt / death?)

Well, this guy is great. 5*

It boggles my mind how you (personally) can make pixel art that gives me a completely different sense of *texture* just by a palate swap. 

5*, as practically everything I see you make is.

Oh man my hopes were very high for a moment; I thought these were animated sprites.

These do look nice! But...sprite sheets are what most people want, over against a single static image.

Well, I'm subscribing, if only for future animations on this guy. Very smooth walk cycle; I have high hopes!

5* as always; adding in the shadows to the optimized sprite sheets saves me a LOT of time & trouble; thank you!

5*, as is always the case for a LuizMelo sprite.

I can wait a little bit for you to get it fixed; I'll try to be more explicit in what's happening.

1) I click on either of the two "Download Now" buttons on the page at

2) When I click that link, I get an in-window popup asking for a donation, and a link that reads "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"

3) When I click that link, it tries to open a new tab in my browser.  When it does so, I get a blank page that reads "Loading..." in the top left.  It also has the url of It will stay there forever with the blank "Loading..." if I don't touch it. If I refresh it, I wind up back at step 1.

I don't know what's happening, though, 'under the hood.'

You could try posting on
I've never had issues there!

It's odd, but when I try to download the zip file, it sends me in an infinite loop back to this page.  I'm not sure what's happening, but I definitely like these chip tunes, and I'm sure I'm not alone in either my affinity for your music or the difficulty in downloading from So I thought you should know!

5/5 Beautiful.


5*, no question.

Followed. And a few of your other art wishlist-ed.

(1 edit)

I would personally really like it if you made full buildings, but with "elements" that could be added or removed, to indicate the "upgrade level" of a building.

Feels like such a task would be squarely in your wheelhouse!

As a side note, I think it would be good for a lot of these 'pixel' resources to also provide the hi-res original.

This is some top notch 2D terrain. I was going to write a glowing review, but I think anyone with eyes can see what you did there with the stairs and the raised platform in that first image. If that doesn't sell them, then I don't know what would. 

5* work right here.

5*, as per usual. Your free assets are great.

I hit the "report" button every time I see junk like this. I think the more people who do that, the more that itch will try to screen for this sort of nonsense.

This is...more AI-generated junk.

At least admit what you've done instead of ALSO having an AI write your description.

Welcome to the world of AI-generated junk!  It won't be curated by the poster, but it WILL get a tremendously self-aggrandizing description that does not remotely match the content therein!

Take your game to the next level by REPORTING THIS SORT OF AI CRAP whenever you see it!

Yeah, having a ton of frames is super useful when you want to make certain parts of the animation match a sound effect, or seem faster. 

The demo version has "no outline" in all the file names; is there an outline version? (It might be good to have those in the demo, too, for comparison.)

In any case, this is clearly a 5* asset.  Those animations are top-notch smooth; there are so many frames in there that if someone feels like adjusting certain animations, they can do some drop frames pretty much anywhere to create all sorts of dramatic effects. And that file size is pretty tight.

Good work!

To be fair, there might have been someone on that Glasgow team who actually cared before they ran out of funding.

This guy clearly never cared any more than to just go to Midjourney or whatever and say "give me some game assets I guess," and then post it.

Please stop posting AI-made garbage without even trying to curate it.

Alas, you even copy/paste your responses to my comments.  Like an AI.

And yet, you are indistinguishable from one.

Then stop making AI-made posts.

More stolen or AI-generated stuff.

OMG the watermark is still visible in your example picture.

Free single picture from!

No-effort AI junk, as is usual for this account.

As usual, this guy only posts low-to-no-quality AI stuff. 

What's hilarious about this post:

He even left the watermark in one of the examples.

This is garbage, and this whole account should be banned.

I recognize a significant number of these sounds. Anyone who has spent time listening to sound effects for very long will probably also recognize this. 

This is not this guy's original work.  I suspect the music is either generated or stolen, based on everything else this guy (bot?) has done.

There needs to be some kind of flagging system for review. Until that time, I'll just post a comment whenever this account makes a post. (Notice I didn't say "person" because I still think that a pure bot could do everything this account has done so far.)

Howdy, AI-guy. (Or, possibly, just a literal bot.)  If you are in fact a human, please at least attempt to curate your AI-generated content.

As it stands, everything about this post is offensive to the community.

Most will ignore it, but what you are doing is one of the exact things that this community needs to protect against:

Low-to-no-effort AI-generated nonsense that junks up the library of and serves only to drown out the actual artists who contribute to this community.

Well, obviously, this deserves 5*.

And as a *free* resource, wow.

There are a lot of options here, and the way you make all the clothing completely separate sheets, it's easy to just combine these things however we want, no matter what pixel editor I'm using.

Good work, Gandalf the Hardcore. Radagast the Chill would be proud.

Your content absolutely is. And it's not well done. That's the big problem.

Hello, AI.

Even your text is AI.

Hello, AI.