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A member registered Mar 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Some of the stuff you've mentioned was more intentional as we wanted to make the game pretty difficult, but I can understand how some of the timing can be frustrating or feel too difficult. Again, thank you for the detailed feedback!

A very simple yet super well-polished game! It's very cute and fun to play! Great job! Definitely one of the best I've played!

Great game; it's very fun and the movement feels really good! The one thing I think could be added is some UI: it would be really helpful to see how much health you have left and maybe even some kind of score to incentivize you to keep playing. Good job!

Great, glad it worked out! Let me know what you think at the end!

This is a really awesome game! It's very funny, the art is really nice, the sound is top-notch, and the gameplay itself is very fun: it's like a pirate spin on cookie clicker! The one thing I'd suggest is making the moments you take damage a little clearer. This is a really great game, good job!


when falling down towards the pipes, you have press S and L at the same time hit the pipe. The hollow pipe will bounce you into the air. It's very similar to the pogo jumping from hollowknight!

Very cool game!

Fantastic game! I love how simple yet effective it is, and the art and music is very charming! No feedback for this one, great work!

Nice, simple puzzle game! I do think it could use a little more variation in the mechanics: maybe some different types of pipes?

This is a cool one! I like the art style a lot and the story is fun and cute. I think the early levels need a little more work in terms of differences between them. Great work!

This game is very beautiful: that was the first thing that really grabbed me! I think the idea itself is very interesting, but there being no tutorial in the game made it difficult to understand until I realized there was a controls section in the description. Additionally, I experienced a strange camera jitter effect that made the game really nauseating to play. I'm not sure if that's a part of the game or just a thing on my end. Still, very cool game and it was fun to play!

This is a really fun game! I like the round-based format and the use of the Aqua theme is really clever! My main suggestion would be for more enemies/more enemy variation as the game becomes less intriguing the more you play it due to the two enemy types being so similar. Additionally, the rocket jump mechanic is a little fidgety and feels like it does not work properly sometimes. Good job!

Thank you! Your game was also super fun!

Love this game! Super simple yet fun! I like the music a lot and I think for the scope of a game jam, it works well! If you were to add to this game, I would suggest adding more gameplay variation to the levels and maybe even introducing some classic rhythm game mechanics. Great job!

Thank you for your feedback! What would you suggest for an alternative button scheme?

Thank you! 

Great game! Sometimes it's a little hard to deal if you are on the beat or not; I get that the sun and the speed bar show the pace of the beat by how they bounce, but I think there should be an indicator close or around the player since you don't want to look away from the player during the game. Great job!

This game is incredible!!! It's wild how you made this in 7 days! The music and sounds are fantastic, the mechanics are simple yet fun, the theme is very on point, and it's way too fun! I love how every new upgrade also introduces a new enemy. I really don't have any feedback. Amazing job!! If you were to update this in the future with new upgrades, I would definitely play it more!

This is really interesting! The main issue I found is that there's no communication with the player as to what the controls are, so I just mashed all the buttons on my keyboard until something worked. Good job!

This game is really cool! I really like the art and sound and it nails the theme! I think in terms of the gameplay and mechanics, it's a little lacking. It would be really interesting if the people you're saving could spawn in different locations. Additionally, you could lean more into level design and it could be a level based game where slowly more mechanics are introduced. Great job!