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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you

Thank you! I wanted to develop that more, making you feel like a badass for easily weaving between projectiles with the high speed rocket, hopefully I'll manage my development time better next time so I can see a project more through.

I have a strong love/hate relationship with this game. It's definitely the game I've spent the longest playing from the gamejam. Something compelled me to keep pushing through the awful slippery controls and downright hateful design towards the player with entire screens of monsters, and pits sending you back to way previously, as they may as well have killed you. Despite all this I had a great time with the game, it's charming in a very odd way, and I thought the ending fit it all quite well, and was clever in it's own right. Some of the odd design choices started making more sense the more you played, although the game could use a checkpoint or two.

All in all one of the best "bad" games I've played, I enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope to see the developer returning next year.