hello, so happy for the update, just wanted to ask, does the new update end at the bird dinner scene? or is there more because if you sit with the fiancee, after the bird scene a new option pops up, something about a candlelight, where as the rest of the LIs do not. thank you
Hello! hope you are well, i love your game and i have been playing for a while, i was wondering if you were planning on releasing aiden's ful route or is it only for patreon? thank you so much for all your hard work and time!
this is the most delicious, heartbreaking, soul ripping, earth shattering, tear-jerking, devastating, bombastic, scrumdiddlyumptious writing ever 10/10 would eat again.
hii, quick question, does it say its a 'high relationship' or just 'has been progressing well' in the relationship status for you?? because i really want R's good ending desperately :_)